The Boys in Red Hats

Documentary - 2021 - USA - English - 87 minutes

Do you remember the brouhaha that occurred when some Catholic school boys from Kentucky had a run-in at the Lincoln Memorial with a Native American activist? Only a year later, one of those boys- Nick Sandman- was a featured speaker at the GOP convention.  Well, if you missed it the first time, this film peels back the layers of the onion so that what initially appeared to be  snotty white rich kids disrespecting an older man from an underrepresented group turned out to be anything but…Or did it? Director Jonathan Shroder has a keen interest in this story having graduated from this same Catholic School decades ago, and he uses his personal connections to this community to get to the bottom of things. In our era where terms like “fake news” and “identity politics” divide our country, this is a film that takes an evenhanded approach to understand both sides of the story with results that may startle you. 

And while it is timely, it is not time sensitive. No matter who wins the election this will be a film to stir debate in 2021 and beyond.